We Are So Back

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Okay, so I lied last time and ghosted again. My b.

BUT. we are so back. I swear. I think.

We’re gonna pretend I’m back for good.

It’s been two months and so much has happened! I saw Chappell Roan in Buffalo and it was amazing!! I went away for 5.5 weeks and am a new person!

So much has changed, but you know what hasn’t? My yearning for it to be 2008. It’s an all-consuming feeling of nostalgia. I miss everything. I miss unnecessarily long shirts in the torso, layering tank tops, and even those slouchy hats that never looked quite right. I wonder how justice is doing right now. Isn’t it weird that I have a children’s top from Justice that I wear as a going-out top? Yeah, it is. Might have to rethink that one. I just love butterflies and sequins too much. Ugh. Now I feel even weirder about it.

I miss fingerless gloves and the Twilight craze. There is magic in the cinematic world of Twilight that I truly believe will never be captured again. A few months ago (?) I wrote about bringing back side parts and so far it has not happened yet. Yet. But mark my words it will. You will raise your children in a world of side parts. Not weird ones but Kesha-esque side parts paired with messy slept-in makeup and lots of glitter. Do you see the vision? Kesha even released new music this year. We are so back.

The next thing that needs to make a comeback is Just Dance. It’s iconic and the rush is just too high. I’m surprised it’s legal. My college roommates and I would have Just Dance nights in our living room and they were truly some of the best nights. Nothing beats friendly competition soundtracked by the music of our childhood.

To make this happen I will continue doing the only thing I know how to do: create playlists and Pinterest boards. Nostalgia just makes you turn to the darkest evils. But maybe nostalgia isn’t entirely a bad thing, but rather an apt reminder that every moment is worth living. That every mundane action could be a cherished memory. In today’s world maybe that’s what we need, especially when constantly focusing on milestones and celebratory occasions. I try to live each day as though it’s my birthday so then when it is my birthday it is 100 times more crazy. Sorry, I didn’t mean to get deep there.

I don’t know what the point of my writing is. Just to announce myself? To get thoughts out of my head? I really should just journal but for some reason, I think that has no value but a newsletter no one reads does. Weird.

Anyways, updates will follow of my upcoming directing projects because I guess that’s like, official now? I have a hard time saying it, calling myself a director. That’s for a multitude of reasons we don’t need to get into but god there are just some memories and rejections we can’t shake. Is that just life? I am … director. I am a director. I AM A DIRECTOR. I’ll update my LinkedIn title to make it official. By the way, Pinterest and playlist-making are very good tools to have as a director. Just so you know.

We shall see if I ever update this again, only time will tell.

Here’s one of my favorite songs from 2008.

Thanks for reading!

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