Part One?
Life can be so blah sometimes. I want to be the main character of a television show, I want to live a full life. So this is me embarking on that journey and finding new ways to celebrate the mundane or else I will lose my mind. Here are the ways I’m doing that this week:
Visiting the Library
Photo by Iñaki del Olmo on Unsplash Books are lovely little things and I highly recommend them, but what I really recommend is spending some time in the library. Stroll through the stacks, take a peek at the new books, and always check out the bulletin board. Find something new! I’m considering joining the meditation circle at my library because why not? Even if I’m the youngest one there, that’s ok! I have so much to learn and so do you!!
Going for the “Pensive Girl Walks”
I’m done with hot girl walks because why does everything have to be hot?! I’m here for pensive girl walks with brooding thoughts about the world while taking in the nature around me simultaneously. I love walking on my local rail trail, which happens to be next to the library. Put on your most dramatic music and walk to it while deep in thought!!
Actually Taking B12
Okay, so I have many supplements I should be taking and B12 is one of them. B12 is kind of magical. It gives a nice little kick and wakes you up. It’s also like, healthy? Maybe I should always listen to my doctor Whoops.
That’s all I’m doing this week but it is a long summer and an even longer life ahead of me so trust that there will be many more ways I am romanticizing and improving my quality of life. You will not catch me in a rut anytime soon! Now here is a lovely little collage I made on Landing.