System Overload

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Uh oh

You’ve probably been wondering where I’ve been. Well I’ll tell you. The cold pit of despair that is early adulthood. I’m told this is normal, no reason to panics but rather a typical phenomenon among early twenty-something’s. Well I’ve had it. Between it being January, the country in political ruin, and most importantly, my transition into working full-time, I’d just like to say: this sucks. I sit next to a space heater on an uncomfortable collapsible stool writing this, pondering how this has become my life. Upon graduation from college six weeks ago, I thought my life was beginning. I thought I’d hit the ground running, climb the corporate ladder while spitting out creative project after project and looking effortlessly beautiful. Isn’t that what we go to college for? Well I’ll tell you the reality. I am working a job I do not wish to work, stumped creatively, and somehow still getting pimples on my forehead at age twenty-two (wasn’t I supposed to outgrow that by now?)

Moral of the story is, I am not having the fun I was promised in this lifetime. Or maybe the moral of the story is I’m a privileged girl clinging to the blanket of adolescence while simultaneously being suffocated by it. You be the one to judge.

So we’ve covered the fact that I don’t want to grow up yet I want independence and all the nice things about adulthood. Haven’t quite figured out how to accomplish that one yet. Let me know if you have, I’m open to advice. Regardless my life is lacking what I was promised and I’m not one to wallow (past the 72-hour mourning period). So here’s what I’m doing to bring the magic back because I fear if I lose that I will never be a creative as creativity stems from the inner child. Or so I’m told. So without further ado, the steps I’m taking to bring the joy back.

  1. Updating this blog weekly

    This blog is cathartic for me, a public diary of sorts. I enjoy shoving my opinions down all of your throats (I am obviously a narcissist and of any fairytale character would be the Queen of Hearts so please don’t judge me. Narcissists feed off the applause. Cue Gaga’s “Applause”.

  2. Artist Dates

    For anyone who’s read “The Artist’s Way” by Julia Cameron this concept is familiar (don’t spoil it I’ve only read the first chapter). Essentially, it’s taking 2 hours a week to consume or create art alone. So it could be going to an art museum and taking it all in or something like a dance class. The possibilities are endless. I believe art is a human life source, at least it is for me and I will be doing this!

  3. Movement and Meditation

    I will be going to yoga!! I swear!! Please don’t murder my family!!

So that is where we begin, with these three steps as to not overwhelm myself. An entire lifestyle change takes time and I’m in this for the long haul.

Talk soon!

Song of the week:

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